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Friday 5 October 2007

Spam Bully - For Outlook Express

We've just had to really tighten up our contact page form the last couple of days thanks to...

SPAM or at least in our case, potential spam that was intercepted.

Now, may I first extend my apologies to the real Abe Torkelton if he's out there but if you receive an email or form submission from a person called Abe Torkelton then ignore it.

Most likely the contact will not have a message just an email address and name.

Having done a bit of searching it appears to be some kind of automated form filling sniffer software that scours the web looking for contact forms to fill in.

How very boring of Mr Torkelton you might think....

The danger of it is if you reply to it, it then 'knows' you're a real person (a good reason to be careful if you use auto-replies and 'out of office' auto responders) and then it can send you a flood of junk mail and malicious spam.

Check out the Spam Bully 14 day FREE trial

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